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Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease: is a bacterial infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi (the genus of Lyme disease) that is transferred through deer ticks. These ticks feed on the blood of humans and animals, and spread Lyme disease during their feeding. You are more likely to come in contact with Lyme disease if you live in heavily grassy areas with a lot of trees, like the woods or a forest. It is important to know that you should remove any tick from your body immediately if you have been bitten. The longer you leave it attached to you the more time it has to transfer diseases to you. Simply grasp the ticks head area gently with tweezers until you pull it all the way off the skin. Sometimes it also works to light a match until it is very hot and press it against the tick’s body right after you blow it out. The heat will cause the tick to let go of the body. Lyme disease is treatable with a full recovery. But it is important to deal with the disease immediately because the side effects can be unbearable and the healing process will start to slow down.



One of the symptoms of Lyme disease is a rash around the bite. It usually looks like a bulls-eye and has a red ring surrounding it. Some people however, will develop a rash in other areas besides the wound itself. Flu like symptoms are also a sign that you may have Lyme disease. Fever and aches as well as stiffness and fatigue are common during this time. Headaches and migraines are very common also. You may also discover severe joint pain and swelling. The pain often will switch from one joint to another. Neurological issues are another symptom of Lyme disease. Months and even years down the road you could experience paralysis of one side of the face, known as Bell’s palsy.  This happens when inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain take place, causing tingling and numbing.


The bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi is carried primarily through deer ticks. To contract the disease, the insect must bit the skin and have enough time to transfer Lyme disease to the body.

When to see the doctor:

You should see your doctor if you are bitten by a deer tick and begin to experience any of the listed symptoms. Even if you start having symptoms and they seem to have disappeared, you should get checked out anyway. Especially if you live in a heavily wooded or grassy area where ticks feed on deer and store themselves in the wood piles of trees and brush. Click Here to Book an Appointment.


Potential Risks:

Spending time in heavily wooded and grassy areas, where Lyme disease is at a high risk, is the main risk factor for contracting the disease. Deer ticks feed primarily on deer, and anywhere with a high deer population will put you at risk. Having exposed skin in any of these types of areas or even where there are a lot of trees. Always layer up in these situations with long pants and sleeves. Use bug repellent that has a 20% or higher concentration of DEET to your skin. Be cautious not to get any near your eyes or mouth. Parents should apply the repellent to their children.


Tests & Healthcare:

Signs of Lyme disease are non-specific so the diagnosis can be tricky. The doctor will go off the characteristics of your symptoms and analyze the bite wound itself and then determine if you have contracted the disease or not.



One option for treatment that is the most common is oral antibiotics. Another more severe option for treatment is intravenous antibiotics. If the disease has moved onto the central nervous system then the doctor may recommend this medication for usage up to a month. Lyme disease is treatable and curable depending on how long the disease has gone untouched in the body.

Your doctor may prescribe:

Oral antibiotics or intravenous antibiotics may be prescribed from your doctor for a full recovery from Lyme disease.



Some complications of Lyme disease may include chronic joint inflammation particularly of the knee, but may shift into other joints as well. You may also experience cognitive issues involving memory loss or impaired memory. Also, any neurological issues, like tingling or numbness, that may lead to facial palsy; where one side of your face has lost feeling and function. Sometimes one may even experience an irregular heartbeat.



The best way to prevent Lyme disease is to keep your backyard clean and tidy of any messy bushes, high grass, and warm sunny wood piles where ticks like to hide out. Other ways to prevent yourself is to always be cautious in the woods or heavily grassy areas by wearing bug repellent and long layered clothing. Check your hair and body if you are in these types of environments and always remove a tick immediately if one gets on you.


Preparing for your Appointment:  

Make a list of symptoms and be ready to describe how everything happened up to the bite from the tick. You may see your primary care physician or you could be recommended to see a Rheumatologist who deals specifically with infectious diseases. Click Here to Book an Appointment with a Rheumatologist.


Online References:


